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The Beauty Detox Power Yoga Series
10 Minute Guided Meditation and Instructions
Instructions: How to Listen and Download Your Audio Course
[LISTEN] Your 10-minute Guided Meditation Audio
Kimberly Snyder Yoga Course Videos
[WATCH] 60 minute Beginner Flow Video (64:23)
[WATCH] 60 minute Intermediate Flow Video (64:43)
[WATCH] 7 minute Pranayama Breathing Video (7:20)
Module 1: Introduction
Who Is This Program For?
The Many Benefits of Yoga (And This Program)
Shedding Stress, Now and In the Future
Transform How You Interact With Others
How to Create More Aligned Food Choices
Establishing Long Term Health
Your Mood and Deeper Breathing
Digestion and Deeper Benefits
How to Use This Program & Conclusion
Module 2 - The Deeper Philosophy of Yoga
The Underlying Philosophy of Yoga
The Eight Limbs of Yoga - Yama
The Eight Limbs of Yoga - Niyama
The Eight Limbs of Yoga - Asana
The Eight Limbs of Yoga - Pranayama
The Eight Limbs of Yoga - Pratyahara
The Eight Limbs of Yoga - Dharana
The Eight Limbs of Yoga - Dhyana
The Eight Limbs of Yoga - Samadhi
The Physical Benefits
The Mental Benefits
The Emotional Benefits
The Heart-Centered Benefits
Module 3 - Overview of Poses and Benefits in Our Video
Introduction to Poses and Benefits
Mountain Pose, Upward Salute & Standing Side Bend
Standing Forward Fold, Standing Half Forward Bend & Child's Pose
Salutation Hand Posture, Pyramid Pose & Chair Pose
Tree Pose, Extended Triangle Pose & Revolved Triangle Pose
Revolved Side Angle, Half Moon Pose & Lord of the Dance Pose
Warrior I, Warrior II & Reverse Warrior
Warrior III, Staff Pose & Table Pose
Downward Facing Dog, Plank Pose & Four Limbed Staff Pose
Cobra Pose, Upward Facing Dog & Low Lunge
Pigeon or Swan Pose, Happy Baby Pose & Lizard Pose
Bow Pose, Locust Pose & Easy Pose
Bound Angle Pose, Half Lord of the Fish Pose & Thunderbolt Pose
Hero Pose, Reclined Hero Pose & Seated Heart-Opener
Camel Pose, Boat Pose & Bridge Pose
Half Wheel Pose, Seated Forward Fold & Head-to-Knee Forward Bend
Supine Twist, Shoulder Stand & Eagle Pose
Side Plank Pose, Plow Pose & Cat Pose
Breathing Techniques and Conclusion
Module 4 - The Art of Timing Your Practice
Introduction to Creating Your Practice
Bhāva and Feeling
Yin or Yang Elements Applied to Your Practice
Adjusting Your Practice Dynamically
Figuring Out What’s Best for You
Yoga to Balance Your Body, Mind, and Health & Conclusion
Module 5 - Eating for Your Yoga
Introduction and Stay Hydrated
Yoga on an Empty Stomach
Do You Have to Be a Vegetarian or Vegan?
Guidelines for Practicing Yoga with a Non-Vegetarian/Vegan Diet
Common Questions About Eating Before and After Yoga
What Kind of Beverages can be Helpful/Harmful to my Yoga Practice?
Specific Foods that can Really Help Your Practice: Kale
Specific Foods that can Really Help Your Practice: Hemp Seeds
Specific Foods that can Really Help Your Practice: Chia Seeds
Specific Foods that can Really Help Your Practice: Millet
Specific Foods that can Really Help Your Practice: Quinoa
Putting Everything Together and Conclusion
Module 6 – The Source of My Inspiration
The Source of My Inspiration
Paramahansa Yogananda’s Life and Teachings
He Influenced More Modern Western Thought Leaders
Kriya Yoga
You Can Learn the Meditations
Every Religion Has a Tradition of Meditation or Prayer
What Kind of Beverages can be Helpful/Harmful to my Yoga Practice?
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