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The Glowing Lean System
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[READ ME FIRST] Instructions
Module 1, Part 1: Establish Your Morning Routine
[WATCH] Introduction Video (10:41)
[READ] Benefits of a Morning Routine
[READ] The Benefits of Lemon
[READ] Morning Routine Levels: Which One Are You?
[READ] Starting the Day with Water
[READ and TRY] Recipes
[READ and TRY] The Glowing Green Smoothie (GGS)
[READ] Discussion
Module 1.1 Review
Module 1, Part 2: Your Mindset & Road Map for Success
[WATCH] Introduction Video (6:51)
[READ] Benefits of Having a Plan
[READ] Resources
[READ] Write in a Gratitude Journal
[READ] Practice Visualization
[READ] Prananyama
[READ] Discussion
Module 1.2 Review
Module 2, Part 1: Eat More Vegetables
[WATCH] Introduction Video (10:52)
[READ] Steps You Are Already Taking
[READ] Benefits of Eating More Veggies
[READ] Your Goals
[READ] Dirty Dozen Fruits/Vegetables
[READ] Greens Include
[READ] Veggies are Alkaline
[READ] Non-Starchy Vegetables
[READ] Starchy Vegetables
[READ] Veggies Contain Fiber
[READ] Eating Organic, Local and Seasonal
[READ] About Sea Vegetables
[READ] Fruit: How to Eat It
[READ] Fruit and Sugar
[READ] Eat Fruit Raw
[READ] Eat Fruit on an Empty Stomach
[READ] The Best Cleansing Fruits
[READ] About Candida
[READ] Discussion
Module 2.1 Review
Module 2, Part 2: Leafy Greens
[WATCH] Introduction Video (6:28)
{READ] Benefits of Leafy Greens
{READ] The Benefits of Leafy Greens
{READ] The Best Dark, Leafy Greens
{READ] Making your own Salad Dressings
{READ and TRY] Creamy Avocado Dressing Recipe
{READ] Raw vs. Cooked
{READ] Discussion
Module 2.2 Review
Module 3, Part 1: Minimize or Eliminate Animal Foods
[WATCH] Introduction Video (8:29)
[READ] Your Changes So Far
[READ] Dairy Replacements
[READ] Non Dairy Recipes
[READ] Do We Really Need Animal Protein?
[READ] Animal Protein and Disease
[READ] Animal Protein and Acidity
[READ] Animal Protein and Antibiotics
[READ] Animal Protein and Hormones
[READ] Cooking Denatures Protein
[READ] Problems with Dairy
[READ] If/When You Choose to Eat Animal Protein: Eggs
[READ] Choosing Other Types of Animal Protein
[READ] Seafood and Fish
[READ] Discussion
Module 3.1 Review
Module 3, Part 2: Boost Protein Intake (without meat!)
[WATCH] Introduction Video (7:21)
[READ] Benefits of Vegetarian Protein
[READ] Foods High in Protein
[READ and TRY] Power Protein Smoothie Recipe (24 oz. serving)
[READ] Why High-Protein Diets are a Bad Idea
[READ] The Six-Meals-A-Day-Myth
[READ] Discussion
Module 3.2 Review
Module 4, Part 1: Getting Probiotics Into your Life Daily
[WATCH] Introduction Video (11:33)
[READ] Here's Your Progress Up To Now
[READ] Probiotics
[READ] Sources of Probiotics
[READ] Probiotic & Enzyme Salad
[READ] Going Back to Nature & the Soil
[READ] Discussion
Module 4.1 Review
Module 4, Part 2: Soil Based Organisms for Healthy Digestion
[WATCH] Introduction Video (9:24)
[READ] Benefits of Soil-Based Organisms
[READ] Ways to Get Probiotics into Your System
[READ] Probiotic and Enzyme Salad Recipe
[READ] Why You Should Look for Soil-Based Organisms in Your Probiotics
[READ] What About Kombucha?
[READ] What Harms the Friendly Flora?
[READ] Discussion
Module 4.2 Review
Module 5, Part 1: Practice Ongoing Cleansing
[WATCH] Introduction Video (12:56)
[READ] Practice Ongoing Cleansing
[READ] Ongoing Cleansing
[READ] Where to Buy
[READ] Detox Tea
[READ] Techniques
[READ] Discussion
Module 5.1 Review
Module 5, Part 2: Deep Detox
[READ] Benefits of Deep Detox
[READ] Detox Methods
[READ] Conditions that May Be Improved by Detoxing
[READ] How to Dry Brush
[READ] How to Make Detox Tea
[READ] Discussion - Why You Should Engage in Ongoing Cleansing
[READ] Discussion - How Yoga Assists in Detoxifying the Body
[READ] Discussion - Dry Brushing
[READ] Discussion - Getting the Most out of Temporary Fasts
Module 5.2 Review
Module 6, Part 1: Practice Proper Food Pairing
[WATCH] Introduction Video (12:20)
[READ] The Glowing Lean System to Date
[READ] Benefits of Food Pairing
[READ] Practice Proper Food Pairing
[READ] Getting Started
[READ] Light to Heavy
[READ] Drink Water Before or After Meals, But Not With Them
[READ] Eat Fruit Alone, with Greens, or on an Empty Stomach
[READ] Simplifying Your Meals
[READ] Benefiting from Eating the Right Way
[READ] Food Pairing Chart
[READ] Discussion
Module 6.1 Review
Module 6, Part 2: Advanced Food Pairing: Keep It Simple
[WATCH] Introduction Video (7:02)
[READ] Benefits of Advanced Food Pairing
[READ] Meal Pairing Options
[READ and TRY] Low-Fat Vegan Hot Chocolate Recipe
[READ] Don't Make Your Body Multi-Task
[READ] Divide Your Day
[READ] Mono Eating
[READ] Common Mistakes People Make in Food Pairing
[READ] Healthy Desserts
Module 6.2 Review
Module 7, Part 1: Eat the Right Seeds, Nuts, and Grains in the Right Amounts
[WATCH] Introduction Video (10:45)
[READ] Your Progress So Far
[READ] Seeds, Nuts and Grains
[READ] Resources
[READ] Soaking Nuts, Seeds and Grains
[READ] Minimize or Eliminate Refined Grains and Starches
[READ] Eliminate Gluten
[READ] Nuts and Seeds
[READ] A Note About Nuts
[READ] Benefits of Raw
[READ] Cashews and Peanuts
[READ] Soaking Grains, Nuts and Seeds
[READ] Discussion - Focus on Whole Grains
Module 7.1 Review
Further Resources
Module 7, Part 2: Create Satiety with Alkaline Grains
[WATCH] Introduction Video (5:15)
[READ] Benefits of Alkaline Grains
[READ] The Best Alkaline Grains
[READ] Great Starchy Vegetables
[READ] Veggie Hummus Recipe
[READ] Discussion
[READ] How to Reduce Consumption Without Going Hungry
[READ] Acid-Forming Foods vs. Alkaline Foods
[READ] Won't the Carbs Make You Fat?
Module 7.2 Review
Module 8, Part 1: Eat the Right Fats in the Right Amounts
[WATCH] Introduction Video (9:22)
[READ] Your Program So Far
[READ] Misinformation About Fats
[READ] Fats
[READ] Healthy Fat Resources
[READ] Eat the Right Kinds of Fats (Plant fats vs. Animal fats) in Small Amounts
[READ] Minimize or Eliminate Fats from Processed Foods
[READ] Types of Fat
[READ] Balance Omega-3 versus Omega-6 Fatty Acids
[READ] Types of Oils
[READ] Cooking with Vegetable Broth
[READ] Adding Oil
[READ] Discussion
Module 8.1 Review
Further Resources
Module 8, Part 2: Eat Whole Foods, Don't Worry About Fat
[WATCH] Introduction Video (6:48)
[READ] The Benefits of Whole Foods
[READ] Good Sources of Healthy Fat
[READ] Discussion
[READ] How Much Fat You Should Be Eating?
[READ] Why Coconut Oil is Different
[READ] Transitioning to a Lighter Diet
Module 8.2 Review
Module 9, Part 1: Minimize or Eliminate Processed Foods, Chemicals, and Sugars
[WATCH] Introduction Video (11:12)
[READ] Your Program So Far
[READ] Benefits of Eliminating Processed Foods
[READ] Natural Cleaning Products
[READ] Natural Personal Care Products
[READ] Sugar Alternatives
[READ] Discussion
[READ] Processed Packaged Food
[READ] About Soy
[READ] Soda and Energy Drinks
[READ] Caffeine
[READ] Refined Sugar
[READ] Artificial Sweeteners
[READ] Agave and High-Fructose Corn Syrup
[READ] Packaged Juices and Smoothies
[READ] Table Salt
[READ] Fried Foods
[READ] Alcoholic Beverages
[READ] Personal Care Products and House Cleaning Products
Module 9.1 Review
Module 9, Part 2: Create A Natural Life
[WATCH] Introduction Video (11:13)
[READ] Benefits of Creating a Natural Life
[READ] What to Eliminate
[READ] Replacements for Common Cravings
[READ and TRY] Chia Seed Pudding Recipe
[READ] Discussion
[READ] Dealing with Cravings for Sweets
[READ] What About Salt?
[READ] Cutting Out Caffeine
[READ] When You Crave Carbonation
[READ] Why You Should Toss Processed and Packaged Foods
[READ] Cleaning up Other Areas of Your Life
Module 9.2 Review
Module 10, Part 1: Meal Plans
[READ] Introduction
[READ and TRY] Organic Egg White Frittata with Peppers
[READ and TRY] Baba Ganoush
[READ and TRY] Chia Protein Shake
[READ and TRY] Tempeh Lettuce Wraps
[READ and TRY] Chia Pudding
[READ and TRY] Pico di Gallo
Journal Download
Module 10, Part 2: Dining Away from Home
[READ] Introduction
[READ] Restaurant Guide
[READ] General Tips for Eating Out
[READ] Casual Dining
[READ] Ethnic Restaurants
[READ] Traveling
[READ] Restaurant Checklist
[READ] Good Food Guide for Eating Out
[READ] Travel Checklist
Module 10.2 Summary
Module 10, Part 3: A Comprehensive Guide to Supplements
[READ] Introduction
[READ] Vitamins and Minerals
[READ] Frequently Asked Questions
Module 10.3 Summary
Module 10, Part 4: Sourcing Food and Equipment
[READ] Introduction
[READ] What to Buy
Module 10.4 Summary
Module 10, Part 5: Shopping on a Budget – Where to Put Your Money
[READ] Introduction
[READ] When you Can't Afford Organic
[READ] Fruit & Veggie Wash
[READ] Foods You Absolutely Must Buy Organic
[READ] Least Contaminated Produce - The Clean 15
[READ] Dirty Dozen Wallet Card
[READ] Where to Spend (and Not to Spend) Your Money
[READ] Storing your Food for Long Life
Module 10.5 Summary
Module 10, Part 6: Diet Myths Debunked
[READ] Introduction
Myth: You Need to Consume Animal Protein to be Healthy
Myth: Dairy is Necessary to Build Strong Bones
Myth: Soy is a Great Source of Protein and Essential for Women's Health
Myth: Artificial Sweeteners are a Great Alternative to Sugar
Myth: Agave is a Good Substitute for Sugar
Myth: Polyunsaturated Vegetable Oils are Good to Consume and Cook With
Other Commonly Held Notions
Myth: Breakfast Should Be Your Most Substantial Meal of the Day to Get you Off to the Right Start
Myth - Calories are All That Matter
Myth - Processed Foods are as Good as Whole, Natural Foods
Myth: You're Overweight Because You Lack Self Control
Myth: Going on a Diet is the Best Way to Lose Weight
[READ] So Many Misconceptions
10.6 Summary
BONUS 1: Break Through Weight Loss Plateaus
[WATCH] B1 Breakthrough Video (37:48)
[READ] Benefits
[READ] Break Through Weight Loss Plateaus
[READ] Hydrating, Watery Foods
[READ] Foods that Act as Natural Diuretics
[READ] Discussion
[READ] Olive Oil Isn't Healthy
[READ] Cooking with Oil.....or Not
[READ] Fatty Plant Foods Should Be Consumed in Moderation
[READ] Shedding Weight with the Help of Water
[READ] Improving Digestion and Elimination
[READ] The Benefits of Ginger Tea and Enzymes
[READ] Starting the Day with Yoga
[READ] Why Enemas?
Bonus 1 Summary
Further Resources
BONUS 2: Rechanneling Cravings
[WATCH] B2 Breakthrough Video (34:44)
[READ] Understanding Cravings
[READ] Benefits
[READ] Tips for Getting Past Cravings
[READ] Common Cravings and What They May Mean
[READ] Diverting Your Cravings into Other Activities or Foods
[READ] My Vegan, Super-Food, Almost Raw Hot Chocolate Recipe
[READ] Cravings, and Your State of Mind
[READ] Why You Crave Chocolate
[READ] Salt Cravings
Bonus 2 Summary
BONUS 3: Glow BIO Workshop
Lecture Video (69:33)
Module 8.1 Review
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